Morning Minute: Thursday, November 21, 2019

News About Town: The November 25 Board of Commissioners meeting agenda is posted on the Town’s website. The meeting appears to be a short one. Items of note include reviewing by-laws of the Historic Preservation Advisory Committee and Matthews Veteran Advisory Committee. The Board will also revisit the rezoning of the Stronghaven warehouse (433 East John St.), discuss the sale of alcoholic beverages at some park events, and discuss street closures for town events throughout 2020. The full packet is not available online yet, but the link will be on this page.


News Around Town: An average of one in four people will experience dating or domestic violence in their lifetime. In the fiscal year 2018-19, there were 32,626 domestic violence protective order filings in NC. These staggering numbers contribute to a cumbersome, sometimes dangerous filing process.

Now victims of domestic violence can file for protective orders through an online system, allowing them to stay in a safe, secure remote location. eCourts Civil Domestic Violence System, provided by the NC Administrative Office of the Courts, provides full access to district court resources at a domestic violence service agency. By providing one-stop access to court resources, eCourts Civil Domestic Violence System makes the process safer and more efficient for victims of domestic violence. The one-stop agency also provides services like childcare for those who need it. Texts or emails update the involved parties throughout the process.

One Good Thing: This year, the US Postal Service Operation Santa is going digital, allowing philanthropists across the nation to play Santa’s helper with severe bedhead while still wearing their pajamas. Much like an updated Angel Tree, you pick a letter written to Santa that has been scanned and posted online by USPS.